Custom Training Curriculum for Manufacturer

Project Type

Custom Training Curriculum

My Roles and Responsibility

Needs analysis

Training plan

Learner assessment

Collaborate with company SMEs

Training design & development


Target Audience

Current and future non-native English speaking employees

ELL instructor


The client employs many non-native English speakers and is struggling with high employee turnover, communication difficulties between supervisors and employees, and a decrease in employees with the skills required for advanced positions. Traditional company training is not comprehensible by the target employees.

Process Summary

  • Determine learning objectives
  • Determine optimal delivery method for the audience
  • Design and create the infographic
  • Meet with Director of Technology for feedback and approval
  • Provide the Director of Technology with the final product
  • Evaluate infographic effectiveness through in-person staff and Technology Department staff feedback


A 16-week custom training course for current employees that emphasizes employer-specific workplace communication, complete comprehension of employer-provided benefits and policies, and skills necessary to fill advanced positions. Deliverables included a full instructor guide for each lesson, supplemental activities for advanced learners, and the integration of critical soft skills.


Positive ELL instructor feedback on the content and pace of the curriculum. Positive feedback from both the Director of HR and employees on improved communication between employees and supervisors.


  • Adobe Pro
  • Google Forms
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Publisher


Complete training curriculum

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“Yes!! Hands down, the most ENJOYABLE online training I have ever done. Are there any national awards that are given