AI in Education Workshop

“We often attend PD that does not feel super connected or helpful, I want you both to know that today was NOT one of those days. You two absolutely crushed it today, and I want to say thank you for piquing my interest and getting us all thinking about AI, benefits, pitfalls, staff supports, and ways our students can grow using AI. Great job today.”

High School Principal

Project Type

Facilitated workshop

My Roles and Responsibility

Needs analysis

Training plan

Learner assessment

Training design & development

Training facilitator

Evaluate training effectiveness

Target Audience

District and building administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff


There is limited time for training, no cohesive district AI implementation path, and varying levels of comfort with AI among district leadership, including the superintendent, administrators, principals, and AEA staff. This workshop included hands-on practice for all attendees with ChatGPT and Magic School.

Process Summary

  • Determine learning objectives
  • Decide on methods to increase audience engagement
  • Research instruction-focused AI tools
  • Research articles of AI pitfalls and real-life consequences
  • Write script and presentation beats
  • Design and develop the presentation (Slides)
  • Conduct workshop
  • Evaluate training effectiveness through exit tickets


A 60-minute in-person presentation with an overview of AI, the structure of a quality prompt, hands-on activities, potential AI pitfalls, and multiple reflection questions to promote meaningful discussion.


Nearly all attendees filled out exit tickets with extremely positive feedback on the quality and effectiveness of the workshop. Myself and my co-presenter continued to receive positive feedback via email. I was asked to join the district AI Committee.


  • Canva
  • ChatGPT
  • Dall-E
  • Google Workspace
  • Google Drive
  • Magic School


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“Yes!! Hands down, the most ENJOYABLE online training I have ever done. Are there any national awards that are given