Storyline MFA eLearning Module

Project Type

Interactive eLearning Module using Articulate Storyline 360

My Roles and Responsibility

Needs assessment

Learner analysis


Training design & development

Target Audience



Many seniors have limited experience with technology and may not be aware of evolving online threats, making them more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Understanding multifactor authentication (MFA) is crucial. Seniors need a basic module that explains the what, how, and why of MFA.

Process Summary

  • Conduct a needs assessment and learner analysis
  • Define learning objectives
  • Determine most effective training method for the content and audience
  • Create a storyboard and script
  • Design and develop the learning object in Articulate Storyline 360
  • Upload the object to a non-profit senior training site
  • Evaluate effectiveness
  • Make revisions as necessary


A simple, jargon-free, interactive module that includes only the need-to-know information about MFA.


This elearning module has not been made available to the public; however, I hope to improve upon it and create other technology modules for seniors in the future.


  • Articulate Storyline 360
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (storyboarding)


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Storyline MFA eLearning Module

Project Type Interactive eLearning Module using Articulate Storyline 360 My Roles and Responsibility Needs assessment Learner analysis Storyboarding Training design


Cybersecurity Training Video

“Yes!! Hands down, the most ENJOYABLE online training I have ever done. Are there any national awards that are given