WFH Data Security Best Practices Infographic

Project Type


My Roles and Responsibility

Needs analysis

Creator & designer

Evaluate effectiveness of infographic

Target Audience

Administrative Support and Administrators working from home over the summer


Some staff are asking Technology Department staff about technology, additional devices, and using personal devices for work from home (WFH) tasks. There needs to be a single, coordinated message about data security and best practices for WFH tasks sent to all staff that are able to WFH during the summer.

Process Summary

  • Determine learning objectives
  • Determine optimal delivery method for the audience
  • Design and create the infographic
  • Meet with Director of Technology for feedback and approval
  • Provide the Director of Technology with the final product
  • Evaluate infographic effectiveness through in-person staff and Technology Department staff feedback


A vibrant, yet concise infographic customized for the target audience that quickly provides best practices for WFH task data security.


Positive feedback from staff and Technology Department staff on the clarity and brevity of the infographic.


  • Canva
  • Google Docs


WFH data security best practices infographic

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